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Category: Rodents


What Is the Difference Between Moles, Voles, and Gophers?

A mole emerging from a dirt hole in the ground.

When your garden starts looking like a battlefield, filled with mounds of dirt and mysterious tunnels, it’s not always easy to know who the culprit is. Are moles, voles, or gophers to blame for the havoc in your yard? Understanding the difference between moles, voles, and gophers can help you identify your garden’s uninvited guests […]

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What Scent Keeps Mice Away?

A mouse looking at a bowl of sugar cubes.

Although rodents are known for having poor eyesight, they have a keen sense of smell. Unfortunately, their love for many scents can attract them to your home — where they can build their nests, leave droppings, and damage your walls. If you’re concerned about a rodent infestation inside your house, you might wonder how to […]

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5 Warning Signs That Indicate a Rodent Problem

Little grey mouse standing on corner of kitchen countertop with plate and dishrack behind him.

Rodents are known for being elusive and stealthy creatures, making it difficult to know if they’re taking up residence inside your home. If you think you’re the victim of a rodent infestation, it’s important to get to the bottom of the problem before they can cause extensive damage. Most house mice are only two to […]

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What Are the Best Rodent Control Solutions?

rodent (mouse) with sun shinning in room

Yes, rodents are a considerable nuisance,  but did you know that an infestation can actually be disastrous if left untreated? These unwanted visitors can cause significant property damage, and transmit diseases to your family members and visitors.  At Dustin Pest Control, your family’s safety is our main priority. We want to ensure you have the […]

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DIY Rodent Control Strategies You Can Count On

Commensal rodents are rodents that want to “share” your house with you. They can fit into openings as tiny as a fourth of an inch. The three most common household rodents in the United States are the Norway rat, the roof rat, and the house mouse. The first step to rodent control is determining what […]

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