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Category: Dog Fleas


How to Tell the Difference Between Fleas and Ticks

A tick sitting on a leaf; a child stands off to the side in the grass.

Pest invasions can turn your home into an uncomfortable place for both humans and pets. Particularly prevalent among these pests are fleas and ticks, each bringing their unique set of problems. While they may seem similar at a glance, understanding the differences between these tiny invaders is crucial for effective control. […]

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How to Protect Your Dog from Fleas & Ticks

Who doesn’t love spending lazy days outdoors with your furry friend?! But while you’re enjoying the warmer weather, be aware of the dangers that fleas and ticks pose to your dog. These pesky pests not only cause your dog discomfort but can also transmit dangerous diseases. Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to […]

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