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Category: Mosquitoes


Pest Prevention Tips During the Rainy Season

A woman holding a cup of coffee as she looks outside a window with condensation on it.

Rainy seasons can bring about a cozy ambiance and a breath of fresh air, but along with the pleasant weather comes an unwelcome influx of pests. Insects and pests love the rainy season just as much as we do — but for different reasons. For many rainy season insects, it’s the perfect breeding and feeding […]

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Are Insects Attracted to Carbon Dioxide Exhaled by Humans?

A woman taking a deep breath after running.

We’ve all been there: on a lovely summer evening, enjoying a quiet moment outside, only to be interrupted by the incessant buzz of an unwelcome guest — the mosquito. You might wonder, “Why are these pesky insects so drawn to me?” The answer could very well be linked to the carbon dioxide (CO2) you exhale. […]

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5 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes in the Summer

A person spraying a child's arm with mosquito repellent.

Summertime is here, and while it brings with it all manner of outdoor fun, it also brings something decidedly less enjoyable: mosquitoes. These pesky insects can ruin any outdoor activity with their incessant buzzing, biting, and itching. However, there are plenty of ways to repel mosquitoes in the summer and keep them from ruining your […]

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How to Truly Get Rid of Mosquitos

mosquito on skin of person

Finding a permanent solution to a mosquito infestation can be tough, but not impossible. Through the use of professional-grade traps and sprays, professional pest control companies can set up effective shields against infestation, while also treating a current outbreak of mosquitoes. How Do You Know if You Have a Mosquito Infestation? Mosquitoes will typically lay […]

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How to Prevent & Treat Mosquito Infestation

Mosquito eggs resting on the surface of a garden pond

Mosquitoes can become quite a nuisance during the summer months when you want to relax outdoors. Not only are they annoying, but they can also potentially carry life-threatening viruses. Taking the proper steps to protect your home from mosquito infestations is crucial, and if you notice a current infestation, it is important to deal with […]

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How To Control Mosquitoes In Your Yard?

As we look forward to warmer temperatures and days spent outdoors, it is likely that the backyard preparation is in full swing. Whether you are trimming weeds, planting new flowers or doing an entire backyard renovation, one thing you don’t want to forget about is planning for all the critters that might call your backyard […]

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The Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know Infographic

Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika […]

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