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Category: Ants


Does Vinegar Kill Ants?

Ant crawling on spilled sugar and fruit peels.

Ants are one of the most common pests, particularly in regions like California, where the climate allows them to thrive year-round due to the absence of harsh freezes. This constant presence of ants poses a challenge for homeowners and businesses alike. In this context, many seek effective and natural solutions to manage these unwelcome guests. […]

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Try These 5 Things to Keep Ants Out of Your Kitchen

Ants crawling on chip crumbs on a kitchen counter.

Ants are the ultimate scavengers, and their presence in your kitchen can be more than just irritating. While some ants may seem harmless enough, they can also contaminate our food and create a major infestation. However, there’s no reason to worry — we’ve got you covered with five things to keep ants out of your […]

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How to Prevent Pests from Ruining Date Night

You’ve prepared the meal, set the table and lit the candles, or maybe you’ve picked out a favorite movie, popped some popcorn, and sunk into the sofa. Sounds like the perfect date night options, right? The last thing you or your date would want would be for any of uninvited guest to ruin the evening. […]

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