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Category: Pest Control


Do Cockroaches Make Noise?

A close-up of a cockroach.

Cockroaches have a knack for showing up where they’re least wanted. These resilient pests are infamous for their stealthy behavior, but did you know they’re not always as quiet as they seem? It’s true — cockroaches can make noise, and in some instances, you can hear cockroaches in walls. While they might not be chirping […]

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Will Fleas Go Away On Their Own?

A person checking for fleas on a cat.

Fleas can be a nightmare for homeowners, particularly those with pets. If you’ve ever found yourself frantically searching for tiny jumping critters on your pet’s fur or scratching at mysterious bites, you know how worrying a flea infestation can be. Pets like dogs and cats often bring fleas into our homes, and once these pests […]

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How Warm Weather Can Cause an Increase in Pests

A woman outside in nature swatting away flying insects.

Weather changes have a way of affecting our daily lives. When it’s rainy, we might cancel outdoor plans; when it’s cold, we bundle up. But have you ever noticed how the weather impacts something else that often slips under the radar: pests? As temperatures change, so does pest activity. Whether you’re swatting away mosquitoes on […]

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What Draws Bed Bugs Out of Hiding?

A man using a flashlight to look at bed bugs on a mattress.

No one likes to think about bed bugs. However, bed bugs are a reality that some homeowners have to deal with at some point. They are sneaky little pests that can infest even the cleanest of homes, holing up in places you wouldn’t think to look until it’s too late. But have you ever wondered […]

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Do German Cockroaches Bite?

A close-up of a German cockroach.

When it comes to household pests, few are as despised and feared as the German cockroach. Known for their resilience and rapid reproduction rates, these pests can quickly turn a minor annoyance into a full-blown infestation. But beyond the disgust and inconvenience they cause, a pressing question lingers in the minds of many: Do German […]

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What Is The Most Effective Type of Termite Treatment?

A hand holding a magnifying glass up to termites.

When it comes to protecting your home from the silent destroyer known as termites, understanding and selecting the most effective type of termite treatment is paramount. Termites, responsible for billions of dollars in damage each year worldwide, pose a significant threat to your property’s integrity. This blog dives deep into the realm of termite control, […]

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How to Avoid Bringing Pests Home With You When You Travel

A man, woman, and young girl in a living room with a suitcase.

Traveling can be an enriching experience, but it often comes with a hidden risk: the inadvertent transportation of pests like bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, and ticks. This blog will guide you through effective strategies on how to avoid bringing pests home with you when you travel, ensuring your journey remains memorable for all the right […]

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What Do Subterranean Termites Look Like?

Two subterranean termites.

Subterranean termites are a concern for homeowners and building managers alike. Understanding what these pests look like and how to identify them is crucial for early detection and effective control. So, what do subterranean termites look like? In this blog, we’ll explore the characteristics of subterranean termites and provide insights into prevention and control. […]

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