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What Draws Bed Bugs Out of Hiding?

A man using a flashlight to look at bed bugs on a mattress.

No one likes to think about bed bugs. However, bed bugs are a reality that some homeowners have to deal with at some point. They are sneaky little pests that can infest even the cleanest of homes, holing up in places you wouldn’t think to look until it’s too late. But have you ever wondered […]

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Weed Control: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

A woman pulling weeds in a garden.

Maintaining a weed-free yard is a constant battle for homeowners. The satisfaction of seeing a lush, green lawn free of unsightly weeds can be immensely rewarding. But should you handle weed control on your own or hire a professional? In this blog, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of DIY weed control versus hiring professional […]

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What Is the Difference Between Moles, Voles, and Gophers?

A mole emerging from a dirt hole in the ground.

When your garden starts looking like a battlefield, filled with mounds of dirt and mysterious tunnels, it’s not always easy to know who the culprit is. Are moles, voles, or gophers to blame for the havoc in your yard? Understanding the difference between moles, voles, and gophers can help you identify your garden’s uninvited guests […]

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How To Tell If You Have Drywood Termites?

Close up of drywood termite

Without special training, it can be challenging to detect a drywood termite infestation. In fact, it can take up to seven years for a drywood termite colony to create enough damage for you to take notice. This is because drywood termites live in the wood they feed in and silently damage structures from underneath.  Unfortunately, […]

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