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DIY Rodent Control Strategies You Can Count On

Commensal rodents are rodents that want to “share” your house with you. They can fit into openings as tiny as a fourth of an inch. The three most common household rodents in the United States are the Norway rat, the roof rat, and the house mouse. The first step to rodent control is determining what […]

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The Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know Infographic

Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika […]

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How to Prevent Pests from Ruining Date Night

You’ve prepared the meal, set the table and lit the candles, or maybe you’ve picked out a favorite movie, popped some popcorn, and sunk into the sofa. Sounds like the perfect date night options, right? The last thing you or your date would want would be for any of uninvited guest to ruin the evening. […]

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What’s The Difference Between Mouse And Rat?

If you ask someone the difference between a rat and a mouse, they will typically assume it has something to do with the size. The differences between rats and mice are much more complex than body size. Each is a completely different genus. While they do have similar physical characteristics and both belong to the […]

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