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How to Prevent Pests from Ruining Date Night


You’ve prepared the meal, set the table and lit the candles, or maybe you’ve picked out a favorite movie, popped some popcorn, and sunk into the sofa. Sounds like the perfect date night options, right? The last thing you or your date would want would be for any of uninvited guest to ruin the evening. Here’s how to prevent pests from ruining date night.


The army is marching, and its destination is your beautifully prepared meal (or delicious snacks!). No one wants their house to be covered with ants. They’re definitely a force to be reckoned with. Make sure your food is stored properly and that your kitchen is clean to avoid these intruders.


SMACK! Your hand strikes your thigh with a force, and then you watch the bug flutter away unscathed. Itching, scratching and swatting is not the way you want to spend your romantic evening. As insignificant as these pests might seem, they sure can have an impact on your comfortability and enjoyment. Make sure to keep your doors and windows sealed tight as to prevent them from inviting themselves in.



The cockroach is the juggernaut of all pests: they are very resilient. The biggest concern with these bugs is their reputation for carrying disease. When you’re trying to enjoy a nice meal and the company of a loved one, you certainly don’t want to have to think about the possible disease scurrying around your kitchen or living room looking for scraps. Keeping a clean home is step one in avoiding cockroaches.


“Eek, a mouse!” Not only can rodents be an annoyance, they can also be a danger to you, your health and your evening. These pests crawl around inside your walls chewing through wood, insulation, and wiring—and those aren’t the sparks you want around on date night! Rodent excrement can also be responsible for the spread of some illnesses and diseases that you definitely don’t want in your home. Look out for rat/mouse droppings in garages and other damp places around your home. Set traps or call a professional to get them taken care of.
Don’t let date night be interrupted again, call Dustin Pest Control today!

Written by Denise

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