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The Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know Infographic


Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika virus shows very mild to no symptoms at all.

Although it was initially identified in humans as early as the 1950’s in tropical climates such as Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, the Zika virus has since been recorded in various and diverse regions all around the world including Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.

Zika Symptoms

With the spread of the Zika virus, there are a handful of signs and symptoms to be aware of in case you or a family member were to become infected. These include, but are not limited to, joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, fevers, rash and conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes). What is worse is that although most of the time adults may not be fatally infected, but a woman who is infected but not showing symptoms could pass the virus from her body to her fetus.

What is worse is that although most of the time adults may not be fatally infected, a pregnant woman who is infected but not showing symptoms could pass the virus from her body to her unborn baby. An infection during pregnancy can cause birth defects and, worse case scenario, pregnancy loss. Needless to say, you should try to learn as much as possible to protect yourself against the Zika virus.

Zika Treatment

As mentioned earlier, there are no known treatments for the Zika virus, however, if you find yourself to be infected the best thing you can do is keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water, taking non-aspirin medication such as Tylenol to reduce the pain and getting plenty of bed rest with a visit to a doctor for proper advice.

How do you protect yourself?

So what can you do to protect yourself from the Zika virus? It all comes down to self-awareness and preventative protection. When you’re outdoors, cover your skin with pants and long sleeve shirts to prevent mosquitoes from biting your skin. Use bug spray or find a pest control company to use mosquito control.

Also, it’s important to empty any standing water collecting in your yard. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to lay eggs (the size of a bottle cap to be exact), so get rid of any standing water where possible.

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If the mosquitoes get too out of hand, make sure to call Dustin Pest Control for all your pest control needs!

Written by Denise

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