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Where Do Gnats Breed?

A person wearing gloves pulling debris from a clogged gutter.

Although gnats are small and usually harmless, it’s no secret that they’re a pain to deal with. These tiny flying insects can make spending quality time in your backyard almost impossible. So if you’re constantly swatting away nats while relaxing on your porch or hosting guests on your deck, it’s understandable that you might feel frustrated.

You might also have a few questions that you’re eager to know the answers to. For instance, where do gnats breed? Why do we tend to find these bothersome pests outside our homes, lurking around our outdoor living spaces? Let’s answer these questions and discuss where gnats come from in more detail below.

Where Do Gnats Come From?

When a swarm of gnats descends on you out of nowhere, you probably swat them away and put any thought of these annoying insects out of your mind. After all, these bugs — which look like small flies — are a nuisance for many people. However, it can be helpful to know where gnats come from in the first place. This way, you can better understand how to keep these pests away.

Various types of insects can be considered “gnats.” For example, you may hear someone refer to a moth fly (or drain fly) as a gnat. The same can be said for fruit flies or even phorid flies.

So, where do gnats breed? What attracts certain types of gnats to a yard — or even a person? Check out this guide to learn more:

Why Are Gnats Attracted to Clogged Gutters?

Sometimes, it can seem like gnats seemingly come out of nowhere. However, they have to come from somewhere. So, where do gnats breed, exactly?

These insects generally like to lay their eggs in damp places with organic matter. This means that gnats are largely drawn to clogged gutters, much like various other types of pests (including drain flies). Fungus gnats like making moist soil, vegetation, compost, and other organic materials their breeding grounds.

So while you may find gnats flying around potted plants, compost piles, and other moist areas around your home, you should also check your gutters to ensure they aren’t clogged with wet debris. It’s well-known that gnats infest clogged gutters, as the damp debris inside them can start to grow algae and fungus — all of which gnats are attracted to.

How Do You Get Rid of Gnats?

Now that you have a better understanding of where gnats come from and where they breed, you’re probably ready to put this information to good use. That means you most likely want to know how to get rid of gnats once and for all.

Drain Flies

As we discussed, the term “gnat” can be used to describe several different insects, from fungus gnats to drain flies. If you think you’re dealing with drain flies, you’ll want to start by ensuring that your drains and garbage disposals are as clean as possible. Next, you can create a homemade solution out of vinegar and baking soda to clean your drains. This combination of ingredients is known for being effective at breaking down various types of drain clogs.

If you’re dealing with fully-grown drain flies, you can also make a DIY trap from dish soap and apple cider vinegar. Red wine is a suitable substitute if you don’t have apple cider vinegar. Simply combine the ingredients in a bowl and put them near the infested drain. Place plastic wrap over the bowl and poke a few small holes in it. The insects will fly into the bowl but won’t be able to get back out.

Fruit Flies

Do you think you’re dealing with fruit flies inside your home? First and foremost, you’ll want to discard any overripe fruits and vegetables you have lying around. It’s also a good idea to give your kitchen surfaces a thorough cleaning. You can create an apple cider vinegar and dish soap trap for these insects as well.

Fungus Gnats

Since fungus gnats are drawn to moist areas, it’s best to start by removing any standing water inside and outside your home. For example, you may want to inspect and clean your gutters to ensure there isn’t any wet debris that can double as a gnat breeding ground. You can also put sticky traps around your potted plants to keep these insects at bay.

Turn to the Experts at From Dustin Pest Control

“Where do gnats breed?” If you’re experiencing a gnat problem, hopefully, you feel confident answering this question and better understand what you’re dealing with. It can be beneficial to know where gnats come from and what you can do to get rid of them — especially if these pests are putting a damper on your outdoor activities.

At Dustin Pest Control, we understand that pests can be frustrating to deal with. That’s why it’s crucial to work with insect and rodent control companies you can trust to provide a thorough, effective solution. You can count on our trained and experienced technicians to provide cutting-edge solutions for your needs.

Whether you need a mosquito, termite, or bed bug exterminator in Fresno, CA, or the surrounding area, don’t wait any longer to get the help you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Written by Dustin Pest Control

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