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How to Get Rid of Ants In The House


With spring in full swing, it’s also a time for more ant infestations. Most ants are looking for sugary or greasy items to bring back to their colony. Knowing this and responding appropriately is key. Follow these tips to learn how to get rid of ants in the house.

Types of Ants

Before you determine your plan of attack, it’s helpful to know what kind of ants you’re dealing with.

Carpenter Ants – If you start to find wood shavings laying around your home, you could have a carpenter ant infestation. These guys are looking for protein and are gnawing through moist wood to create nests.

Sugar Ants – These are the most common ant you’ll find in your home, usually in the springtime. Also known as odorous house ants, these guys are looking for food.

Black Ants – These incredibly tiny ants, also called pavement ants, are typically outdoor critters but will enter your home to scavenge for food.

Getting Rid Of Ants

The Basics – When it comes to ant control, prevention is key. Keeping a clean home and storing food in durable air-tight containers will shut off their food supply. Wiping down surfaces with disinfectant will remove any odor that could be attracting ants in search of food.

Considerations – Even the cleanest homes can have an ant infestation. Also bear in mind that over-the-counter ant spray will kill the ants you see, but will not provide a comprehensive solution that gets to the source of the colony.

When To Call In The Pros – Sometimes the ants just aren’t going to go away until you get professional help. Pest control experts can identify the source of the colony and eliminate the problem for good. In the case of carpenter ants, a more involved approach involving professionals is typically required, and a failure to do so can lead to structural damage (or worsen any current structural issues).

Having problems with an ant control issue? Contact Dustin Pest Control today to get started on a solution that works!

Written by Denise

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