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3 Green Upgrades this Fall for an Eco-Friendly Home


When it comes to making your home green friendly, there’s a lot to take into consideration. As the cold weather of fall starts coming around, you’re not going to find a better time to start making upgrades around the house. But what can you do this Fall to make your home green-friendly?

How can you go about setting a positive impression for your children while teaching them the importance of an energy efficient home? Take a look at the following three green upgrades you can put towards your home to make it more eco-friendly this Fall.

Green upgrades for your home this Fall

1) Blown-In Attic Insulation

If you’re looking to get an immediate ROI for your green-friendly upgrades this Fall, consider adding blown-in attic insulation. Doing so, you’ll reap the benefits with some tremendous savings.

According to the Department of Energy, the average homeowner has experienced a savings of up to 50% on their monthly energy bill. That’s easily one of the best investments you can make for your home.

2) Upgrade to newer appliances

As appliances around your home get wear and tear from years of use, you may want to consider swapping them out this Fall. Upgrading to more modern appliances will be more efficient completing tasks they were built for.

Not only this, but your water-based appliances will use considerably less energy considering the water lines aren’t clogged up by hard water elements. Not sure what the lifeline of your home appliances looks like? Schedule a whole home energy assessment of your house.

A specialist will complete an inspection of your homes energy usage and let you know what areas of your home will give you the most return for your money. A whole home energy assessment will not ly be useful, but it’ll save you loads of money over the long-term.

3) Use green pest control

While traditional pest control methods are the most used on the market, organic pest control services are on the rise with homeowners. As the crisp Fall weather starts taking over your yard, insects and other common household pest are going to be looking for a new home to stay warm. You may want to consider hiring an organic pest control specialist.

As a quality substitute to those harmful chemicals, it offers a great opportunity for you to remove common pests. Ants, roaches, and other creepy crawlies will no longer turn your home into their home. It’s safer for you, your family, and your pets. Plus you’ll rest easy knowing you’re doing your part to help the earth.

Once you’ve had your home sprayed with an organic pest control solution, invest a little money into having a fresh flower and vegetable garden. This will attract good bugs to your home which eat other insects. As an added perk, you’ll have fresh vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner. Not to mention the kids will have fun watching the ladybugs and praying mantis explore your mini suburban jungle.

Which of these three green friendly upgrades for your home will you be making around your house this Fall to conserve more energy and have a greener impact to your community?

Written by Denise

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